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i'm going to start off by saying, this is one of the best mixtapes i've heard all year.. with that being said, let's get into it.
i downloaded it a few months ago, but haven't really listened to it.. on saturday night while i was doing my dishes (good girl botch!!), i had my music on random, when "on and off switch" by dom kennedy came on.. i was like "fuuuckkk this song is soo ill.. don't i have a mixtape by him somewhere?!".. so after the dishes were done, i dug through my files to find this gem.. and i have listened to it at least twice a day since.
the first track starts off with a beatbox and some what of an eery production, but with a dope flow to follow.. then i heard, "on the beat like this, i never thought i could sound street like this / make top plays of the week like this / and it ain't just rap i speak like this.." WHHHHHHHHHAAAAAATTTTTTTTTT!! fuck yes bitches. fuck. yes. his voice is totally similar to luda, which is weird cuz he comes from cali.. and honest truth, he's one of the first cali rappers i've actually enjoyed in a LOOONGGGG time.. i'm more of an nyc rap person.. i dig that dirty grimey unh bitch unhhh type shit. however, with a swag like this, dom is dirty!!
still me follows and goes well. it's what every rapper thinks, summed up into a song, except it's said well. "dom grown up, better than we expected".. i like songs where rappers say "yo this is where i wanna be.. this is what i was, this is what i am.. and yo, i'm fucking awesome".. confidence is fucking key if you want to be a rapper.. and that is fucking manditory. MANDITORY.
1997 is a cali beat by faaaaaaar. that blaze with your top down type production. you can fucking feel it..!
love is the future is another favorite. it's fucking comical. "all we know is good weed, fine girls, palm trees, you know i'm that nigga girl, fuck haven't you called me?!.. i be on that now stuff, i know you see me round, you like the way i style huh?!" UUNNHHH.. that whole tip where it's like fuck you didn't want me, want me now, but i'm having fun swag issss tooooo dooope.
i liked this tape a lot, but don't want to speak too much on it. i feel like you need to listen to it.. because it will by far feed your ears in a fun way. lyrically, it's simple. his flows are simple, and his cadence is simple.. like he's talking to you.. like it's a simple fucking conversation.. and that sounds petty, but for some reason that fucking works. everything just fits together and it's worth the download. i think the only thing that hurt him, was that he got a little repetitive. i think i'm also a little biased because he payed homage to A LOT (nas, biggie, jay-z, atcq, etc.) of greatness. he's no nas, but i'm not afraid to put him on the same shelf.
you can get it at, enjoy!
hey guys. hope everyone had a fan-fucking-tastic weekend. i didn't do shit! i blazed, i watched hockey, i drank beer, watched some chappelle, and i did it with the most amazing company!! it rained like a mother fucker.. rain always seem to make me wanna make out.. which is a total shame because my boyfriend and i aren't even in the same province right now. DAMMIT. lol. anyway, thanks for all the questions this week.. feel free to ask me anything always on the side bar! these questions go hard people, so thanks for keeping interest. you can find your answers after the jump:)When was the last time you received flowers?
valentine's day 2010.
Who's the sexiest man alive?
Who was your first crush?
this guy named justin, it was kindergarten and i found him so dreamy. lol.. he was known as "justin b" because there was another justin in the class.. i also had another person in the class with the same name as me.. so i was like "we're the same, we fit!".. it lasted til grade 2.. we ended up sharing lockers and he was messy so i was over it. lol.
Who and when was your first kiss?
i won't say who, just because i think the person who was my first kiss doesn't know he was my first kiss.. but i was sixteen.. and it was.. interesting.
When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
a teacher.
If you could be invited to one person's birthday party, whose would it be?
Would you rather swim in a pool or the ocean?
the ocean!!!!!!
but i love swimming pools almost equally.. i used to have a swimming pool at my house, it was my haven.. i would literally spend 8 hours in that bitch a day. i miss it terribly.
What are you most excited about right now?
If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?
hmmmmmmm.. cupcakes? lol.
do you love your boyfriend?
i do.
Do you play Call of Duty?
jheff, are you asking me this because you want to play cod!? LOL./ get on that modern warfare tip.. and noooooooo, i play boys.
Top 3 non hip-hop quotes?
3. never let your audience see you sweat.
2. you're either the last one standing, or the last one to fall.
1. stay up.

i usually always hate what nike releases for women. they seem to think that all girls need their sneakers to be flower, lacey, girly colored vomit.. being a girl who likes sneakers is one of the hardest things ever. sizes are so limited, and i don't have boy feet. i have girl feet.. so when people tell me about sneakers that are being released, i'm kind of weary about my feelings. like, "eh i can't get them, they won't have my size".. and if it's a women's release, i'm usually thinking it has some sort of lame ass pansy design to it..
which is why i'm kind of excited about these bad boys. yeah, there's purple.. but it's subtle, and it's very rare you come across air max's that do any originals justice.. but these aren't too shabby. the colorway just works. purple's my favorite color, so i'm dowwwwnn.
from what i've seen they run about $160. grab your wallets ladies and get to struttin'.
and also..

so a little over a year ago, i made a list of goals that i wanted to complete within a year.. you can revisit that list of goals, HERE... i should have updated with how i did earlier, but it completely slipped my mind.. so whatever! it's here now, let's take a look at what we got done.. bitches.
1. swim in the ocean / status: COMPLETED!
i am clear that in these pics i am not swimming in the ocean, but they are either right before.. or right after.. i am also clear that my bum is extremely white.. LOL it was october give me a break!

2. make out in the rain / status: INCOMPLETE
didn't get to.. hmph.
3. eat something i haven't eaten before / status: COMPLETED!

i dunno if drinks really count, but fuck off, i haven't tried any of the above.. and then i tried them all in one day! i love happy hour!

4. snowboard / status: INCOMPLETE
wahh wahh
5. go camping / status : INCOMPLETE
6. attend a baseball game / status: COMPLETED!
new york yankees vs. toronto blue jays

7. get an autograph / status: COMPLETED!
i got more than one, but i didn't take pictures of any:(

8. rock the bells / status: INCOMPLETE
9. chicago / status: INCOMPLETE
10. travel to 5 different cities! / status: COMPLETED!
manila, philippines. toronto, ontario. seoul, korea. vancouver, british columbia. puerto galera, mindoro.

11. blow out candles on my birthday (it's been so long!) / status: COMPLETED!

12. win money in poker $$ / status: INCOMPLETE
13. meet nas / status: INCOMPLETE
14. spit off of a bridge / status: COMPLETED!
didn't get a pic of it, but i did it!
15. break a beer bottle / status: COMPLETED!
unfortunately, i didn't take any pics of a broken beer bottle.. but here's two pics from nights that i did.

16. go to a concert with my sister / status: COMPLETED!

17. go to a concert / status: COMPLETED!

18. go to a concert / status: COMPLETED!

19. go to a concert / status: COMPLETED!

20. go to a concert (i wanna attend at least 5 within a year!) / status: COMPLETED!

i even went to extra concerts!! including, shiny toy guns, raekwon (i went twice), keys n krates (twice), lupe fiasco and mooore..

21. get another job / status: INCOMPLETE
22. blaze on the beach / status: COMPLETED!

23. tag shit up like crazy / status: INCOMPLETE
does this count?! lol

24. get a really bad ass scrape from rollerblading / status: COMPLETED!
damn the staircase railing. damn it! but thanks:)

25. become "spit" brothers with someone / status: COMPLETED!
i did this the same day i spit over a bridge.. lots of spit everywhere! no pic though:(
26. get a tattoo / status: COMPLETED!

27. be on a stage / status: INCOMPLETE
28. new york / status: INCOMPLETE
29. paris / status: INCOMPLETE
30. tokyo / status: INCOMPLETE
31. introduce myself to a random stranger / status: COMPLETED!
strangers i met this year include..

plus many more.. thanks strangers!
32. feed a homeless person / status: INCOMPLETE
33. make a t-shirt / status: INCOMPLETE
34. get something/ANYTHING published / status: INCOMPLETE
i think this is the one i wanted the most, and it didn't happen. womp.
35. get my blog hits to 15000 hahahaha / status: COMPLETED!
THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR READING MY BLOG. i appreciate it so much! & WE DOUBLED my goal and then some, so thank you thank you thank you !!
36. touch a palm tree / status: COMPLETED!

so there you have it! i wanted to complete at least ten, which i did.. but i also wish i did a lot better.. looking back though, i have done A LOT in the past year. i plan to make a new list to complete within a year again, so if you have any suggestions, post them below..
I ALSO PLAN, to do a better job of documenting it all:)
thanks for everything people.
also on the song, "light up" with jay and drake.. jay goes fucking hard, so listen to it right now.
"drake, here's how they gonna come at you.. with silly rap feuds tryna distract you, in diguise, in the form of a favor, the barzini meeting, watch for the traitors.."
goodness! if you've seen the godfather, barzini is the family that set up vito.. fucking craziness.. dare i say.. hova's back?