Tuesday, September 28, 2021
Monday, September 20, 2021
Monday, August 23, 2021
Okay I listened to a lot of Shyheim today and anyone who says this kid didn't have a ghostwriter has to be out of their mind, because literally all of Shyheim's post puberty music is LE TRASH. That's all I have to say about that, good day.
Wednesday, August 18, 2021
The nicest thing a boy has ever done for me. Girls of the Internet.
Thursday, July 22, 2021
It took me a while to get June posted because I was so ridiculously busy. I shot my first commercial! In a pandemic! Also have had a few interviews and trying to organize conferences and workshops and trying to keep sane. Of course, MUSIC HAS HELPED. So here's a late, but great, playlist. I took some time at the lake and let this one bop and it suited the warm weather nice. So enjoy it while you can because I'll be bringing in July in the next few days! This playlist is definitely shorter, but sweet too.
Hope you find a song you like.
9:07 AM chai, hip hop, isabel, kanye west, lou val, monthly playlist, music, omar apollo, r&b, spotify, spotify playlist Leave a Comment
Tuesday, June 15, 2021
MAY 2021
Tuesday, May 25, 2021
Tuesday, May 18, 2021
Thursday, May 13, 2021
Dancing under my project.
Nothing by myself
Nothing nothing else
Nothing I can hide
Cruising story tell
Bike lane up and down
Lofty flower cry
Okay, I heard this song a while back but for the past few months, the lyrics in it slapped me in the face. So beautiful. Kuma Overdose studied jazz, as evident in this chune. This song sounds like a perfect Soundcloud, Mixcloud, Hypemachine, Blog cocktail. One of the songs you find digging through articles and your crush's playlists. This song is off the album, Lofty, which has a lot of Asian influences blended in with modern day hip hop. One to add to your collection for sure, but this song takes the cake for me. It is *chefs kiss*
Hope you like it.
Friday, April 30, 2021
Everybody dies a little, I just wanna dance tonight.
Wednesday, April 14, 2021
We hung out sometimes.
I didn't know what to do,
I knew I would find my way
Like they said I was supposed to, supposed to
Wednesday, March 31, 2021
I don't wanna tell you but I'm feeling your junk.
Took a while with this one, and couldn't quite.. get there. Had a weird relationship with music in March, heard a few bops, a few albums, but I was honestly more *sparkle* vibes *sparkle* lol. I think that had a lot to do with the kind of person/mood I was in this month. I really needed to chill the fuck out and listen to some familiar music. Took some time to relax. Didn't check music blogs too much, didn't talk to many people so no track for track with pals, no research was done for this one. I listened to *a lot* of my older playlists. This one is pretty chill so throw ya feet up. As always, hope this playlist finds you well, and!!!!....hope you find a song you like.
6:39 AM azizi gibson, benny sings, chill, chillwave, cobrah, doja cat, hip hop, house, indie, monthly playlist, music, mwami, pat lok, r&b, rhye, san cisco, spill tab, spotify, tony velour, topaz jones 1 comment
Tuesday, March 16, 2021
Esco is back! She had a very expensive vet stay but the vet says she will be able to remain in our lives for longer. She has to be on medication for the remainder of her life but she is peppy, back to her old self, and stupid cuddly. I'm so thrilled to have her back. Gonna have to eat ramen for a few months but we did it!!! And I'd do it again and again! DOGGO OWNER FOR LIFE.
Thursday, March 11, 2021
Ila wouldn't eat dinner last night. And as I previously mentioned, she refuses to go to the bathroom without her best bud. She is a super cuddly dog, but was extra cuddly last night. I only have a double bed, but it felt like I had a twin the way she nuzzled in so close to me. (I don't wanna hear it with you people who say your dogs shouldn't sleep in your bed - I disagree okkkkkk).
Anyway Ila and I be both missin' Esco like crazy. Sleeps have been the toughest for me, but it seems meal times have been the toughest for Ila. Hang in there lil buddy!
Tuesday, March 9, 2021
Darling, Esco.
I was unbelievably sad last Friday, but had trouble pin pointing what was keeping me down. I found out last Saturday that my cousin had passed away from Covid. Odd how sometimes things like that just.. line up. The last time I saw him was at his mom's funeral, which was only a few months ago when we just started lockdown. The funeral was by appointment only due to Covid, so it was short, we had time together but not much, maybe a couple of hours. We talked about past slumber parties, the BBQ my dad made, his dad's jokes. We agreed that another cousin reunion was due soon when "all of this was over".
Wednesday, February 24, 2021
What's more beautiful than a woman? Nothin.
Ever feel like doing the "Buss It" challenge for all your friends? Guilty. Twerking on Portage Avenue? Guilty. Composed this playlist for everyone who's needing a dose of bad assery. It was a lot of fun to make it, mostly because I spent half of making it shaking my butt. Oh, and also it has a lot of gettin' messy tracks. So although times is kinda hard right now, let's turn to one of the best therapy sessions around: music! Hope you find a song you like.
7:05 PM bums, butts, females, females being bossy, get messy, hip hop, music, spotify, twerk Leave a Comment
Just had my daily Covid cry. Keeping up with the demands this disease demands is exhausting and my heart is breaking today. I don't know who to .. what to .. I don't know. Everything is so hard! And obviously I'm going to do it, I'm going to shower after I'm working on units with Covid, I'll wash my hands over and over even though they're cut from dryness and hard work.. and wear my mask.. and stay home and continue to not see ANYONE.. but I'm lonely and miss being a cuddle puddle with my friends. I'm sad for all of the patients who haven't seen anyone, or left the same four walls in A YEAR.. I'm sad for all the staff who beg me for things I can't give them. I'm in pain from the thought of people facing financial burdens that they can't dig themselves out of.. and it's all just.. a lot, isn't it?
Ugh. I made a bad bi/otch playlist. I purposely made this playlist for when I was feeling down so I could escape to happy land through some tunes. I'll post it in the next post. Xx.
Tuesday, February 23, 2021
Go tell your boy, 'cause he needs the alert.
6:37 PM aux cord lord, hip hop, house, jean deaux, kah-lo, michael brun, monthly playlist, music, r&b, rap, spotify, spotify playlist Leave a Comment
Monday, February 22, 2021
I've been putting a lot of time focusing on my self. My growth, my finances, my new space. As all these things have come to me, it's only now that I'm finally starting to realize that I've somewhat neglected allocating my time toward other things that fulfill my life.
How are you, really?
What are three things that have inspired you this month?
What were the bad/good things that happened today?
What do you need right now that you aren't communicating?
Can I help you?
These are a few questions that I'm approaching the world with today. A friend of mine is currently going through a traumatic experience that made me realize how quickly you could lose someone, especially during all of Covid. I've been there. This shit is hard. I hope I can offer some peace and some love, since I've been going through a complete turn around of a year, I'm in a good place to have conversations right now.
I hope if you're reading this, you know that you mean something to me. Whether we know each other, or not. If we don't, you took the time to visit me, to read my words. That is the entire world to me! I've always wanted to connect to just one person, and my heart soars knowing that it might be *you*. So thank you, you've shaped me.
If we do know each other, hi. I hope you're happy, I hope you're well. I'm not always around, but I'd like to chat when you're free. Message me.
I love you, and hope you saw a cute dog today.
Friday, February 5, 2021
I just looked out the window…
Oh the sun arrives and out the gaff I go
Something ain’t right but I can’t lose my soul
Imma bend my limbs in here before I go home
I feel it.
Xo, love ya, bye,
Thursday, February 4, 2021
I'm approaching that moment in the pandemic, I'm refusing to break but I'm annoyed with people not taking Covid seriously. I'm about a week away from my second shot and after that I will be completely vaccinated. The outbreak looked like it was going to be declared over at least where I work, but just a day shy from being declared over, we have a brand new positive case. I don't wanna Covid anymore. 6 days on, 1 day off. 10-14hr shifts to try and keep up with Miss Rona's demands.
I do find it crazy that I went a whole year without getting as much as a mild cold. Mind you, along with everyone being less disgusting, I have been eating well, taking vitamins and even exercising (ew).
Music and my dogs are keeping me sane. I sleep with two travel pillows on my ribs and pretend they're you. I tuck a pillow under my back and then my life doesn't feel so lonely. Sometimes my dogs snore and it gives me tiny happy boosts. I gave them both baths recently and breathing in those two after a fresh wash is like eating cotton candy at the fair. Bliss.
I hate seeing people visit others because "it's only one person" or "they're in my bubble", because that is NEVER the case. Plus I get really jealous that I'm sitting here like a dumbo, staying home, not seeing anyone aside from my colleagues. I haven't hugged my mom in a year.. but why am I doing this when everyone else is giving themselves a pass? Seems a bit silly. I miss my friends. I miss beers. I miss dancing. I miss kissing. I miss travel. Please stay home so we can all do these things again. Love to you.
Wednesday, February 3, 2021
Sunday, January 31, 2021
Wednesday, January 27, 2021
You help me lose my mind..
You help me lose my mind
And you bring me something I can't define
Help me lose my mind, make me wonder
What I felt before
Keep biding my time
How much longer?
Who've I been waiting for?
How much longer?
Tuesday, January 26, 2021
It's been a long time. We've been in this panini for over a year now. We've been in LOCK DOWN for almost a year. I haven't seen anyone beyond my colleagues in FOREVER.. so when I got the vaccine, I thought I might cry. This moment in history, I was a part of it. As the nurse injected into my arm, it was like.. festivals, dances, loves, friends, family.. it all flashed before my eyes. I chose healthcare because it's a promised income, a job that will always be in demand and I wanted to help. I wanted to be part of change in the world. I did not expect healthcare to be this. I'm not complaining, just surprised.
However, I'm here. I made it. I didn't catch Covid, I was extremely careful. I was diligent. I washed my hands, I told people I couldn't/wouldn't hang out. I haven't seen my mom. I've heard Covid patients crying from pain, I promise you, that party, that hook up, that drink with "only two people" isn't worth it.
I'm vaccinated now. My symptoms haven't gone further than a sore arm, similar to when you get your flu shot. Anyways, now that I'm vaccinated, I'm gonna go lick a bunch of boys! And girls!
It's a joke.
Looking forward to what once was. Looking forward to planes and concerts and festivals and shows and drinks and food and beaches and homes. Keep pushing baby, it's going to be a while but we will get there. Grab your mask, grab your hand sanitizer, get it boo. The world is yours, and you deserve it. I love you so much.
Monday, January 25, 2021
Thursday, January 21, 2021
Let's be real. We all know this guy. WHY ARE THEY ALL THE SAME?!! I don't wanna hear it! I have met craft beer drinkers where I've happily stated I do not like IPAs, and then had them talk my head off about IPAs. My head had already rolled out the door, but they continue...
Wednesday, January 20, 2021
I asked my closest circle what genre of music I listen to has surprised them the most. I was met with a few answers: oldies, 1920s and punk. I've had a few discussions about music as of late, and for the majority of discussion, I've (along with others) have come to realize: there are no bad genres. There are only bad songs. A lot of my posts have been centered around songs because music is the biggest thing in my world. It has been since I was a young girl. I started making mixtapes when I was around 8.
There are quite a few covers of this song, but Audrey's 1961 version is something else. The lyrics are *chefs kiss*. I googled Audrey just now AFTER I wrote this much and discovered that Audrey passed on this very day in 1993. I swear to the universe, I am a psychic. I hope you have a good day and I hope this song finds you well.
This is still one of my favorite Daft Punk songs. It's Wednesday morning. I hope you liked this song.
It might not be the right time
I might not be the right one
But there's something about us I want to say
Cause there's something between us anyway
I might not be the right one
It might not be the right time
But there's something about us I've got to do
Some kind of secret I will share with you
I need you more than anything in my life
I want you more than anything in my life
I'll miss you more than anyone in my life
I love you more than anyone in my life
Tuesday, January 19, 2021
Santigold used to be in a punk band called, "Stiffed", and it's everything but better than what you expected it to be. What? YA. This song saved me. PERFECTION. Fun and flirty, this song SLAPS. I listened to it on loop on NYE. I put on my make up, put on a fit, felt attractive, felt happy, and literally did nothing. As soon as I go on dates/go for drinks again this will be my go to get ready song.
Friday, January 8, 2021
I wrote a poem called "Panic Attack" that I wrote after a couple of panic attacks. Sometimes they hit due to past trauma, sometimes they're because I can't get ready at a speed that I'd like to, sometimes they're because I'm not sure if I said the wrong word in a conversation last month, sometimes I can't identify a trigger at all. You never know what you're going to get with mental health, but I am thankful that sometimes I can put enough words together in some sort of sloppy rhyme thing and it generally makes me feel a bit better.
6:55 AM botch, mental health, panic attack, poem, poetry, spoken word, syntifik, vocabulary spills, write Leave a Comment
Monday, January 4, 2021
Some people will remember your birthday, some people won't. Some people will remember your birthday and they still won't wish you a happy birthday, and that's something the heart remembers.
Happy birthday, to me.

- Consistently making a mess of things, she's either "funny" or "weird". Botcho usually finds herself awake for too long despite her love of sleep. She's busy exploring the world with a taste for fashion, concerts, breaking rules, hair dying and pizza. She only calls herself a writer in an attempt for her blog to make sense. For all business inquiries, you can contact her mom. syntifik@hotmail.com
Took a while with this one, and couldn't quite.. get there. Had a weird relationship with music in March, heard a few bops, a few albums...
I've been so emotional the past few weeks. Not ALL days have been bad, but I can definitely feel my brain leaning toward the sad. I find...