MUSIC SERIESOH ABEL TESFAYE! WHY AREN'T WE MARRIED YET?! I seriously think about fucking this guy at least once a day. I feel like my love for the Weeknd isn't shown off as much as it should be.. or maybe it is, and maybe I'm annoying by now.. BUT, BUT, if you've listened to the Weeknd at all, you understand why I'm so crazy for this guy.
This guy has made a haunting kind of R&B with an electric type feel that absolutely NO ONE has done before. His voice is amazing and covers rifts of glory. He has been compared to the XX, and for good reason. I believe not so much for the similarities (which there are), but more so for the fact that he literally stepped out into the world with something so NEW. Music is so shot these days, not with this man though. He creates refreshing depressing sexy tunes that literally send chills throughout your body. He describes everything so well that you paint the picture in your head.. or, you've been in the same situation before but didn't know how to say it. Abel Tesfaye does that for you!
This Torontonian put three tracks on the internet. "Loft Music", "What you Need", and "The Morning". The first I heard was "What you Need". I was instantly hooked, five seconds in. No joke. I had everyone blowing me up telling me to give this guy a chance, and when I did.. I couldn't stop. I'd search my ass off, only having those three songs to keep my craving down. Eventually, he dropped a mixtape. I over-played that shit everywhere I went. Then his second tape dropped.. which I loved, but my love for the first kept me banging it for longer.
Listening to the Weeknd is like having your virginity taken all over again. You're scared, nervous, you hurt a little bit, but at the same time it all feels so fucking good. What's even crazier?! THIS GUY DOESN'T EVEN HAVE AN ALBUM OUT YET. It's so crazy! HE DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A VIDEO! BUT! WAIT! Hold on to your underpants people! ABEL TESFAYE, has let us in on the know.. He is dropping his FIRST, OFFICIAL, video this week. Both myself and my computer will probably explode upon watching it. Seriously.
When I first heard this song I listened to it about thirty times in a row. No joke. This song gets me off every time. Like really, why am I not having sex every time I listen to this?! OH. gahd. The production on this bad boy.. Oh my fucking fuck. Fuck all sorts of ways to this one.
COMING DOWN.. because in all honestly?! Who hasn't felt like this after a party?! Really, though.
and because every word, I cling to.
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