NAS - I'M THE SHIT 180i haven't done a mixtape monday in a minute.. then i saw that we have some new shit from nas.. i took a listen to this on thursay, and was going to post it then, but decided to wait.. wait no further, you're getting this right at midnight!
so should i just give this a five outta five already or what's the deal!?
nas already announced he's releasing a lost tapes 2.. and nothing greater can come to this world, until we received this teaser.
hearing new shit from nas always excites me.. always!
NaS is king.. and i don't even wanna rate this cuz i am biased as fuck right now, too excited.. and that excited-ness is coming off as biased reviewing.. so i won't.
i really dig it though. it's fucking great.. and you can have it too!
yayurrr! 5/5. HAHAHA dammit.
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