Wednesday, September 29, 2010


it isn't saturday.. but since i've been astray, let's pretend it is.

here's an ad i don't get. how you gonna make a kid without limbs your advertisement?! horrible. just horrible. child labor for levi's win.

after A LOT of walking.. and a LOT of complaining. alex and i were ready to give up on the search for flight club. "it's somewhere in this area" kept escaping alex's mouth, but that wasn't cuttin it. i was ready to pass out on the pavement and cry. when, ALAS. we see a line up outside an un-marked a building. & it wasn't an ordinary line up. "rayguns! avengers! 3's! we're on the right track!"..

we got in right when it opened.. and it was a fucking gong show.

well worth it though. about $575 later, we were both happy campers.

the hundreds makes coffee now?!


miss you.

playa hatin, subway waiting.

and then we was off to brooklyn.


Gemini 5ive "F110" said...

I love all those fitted hats. I would've spent all my money in that one <3

syntifik said...

yeah they're fucking amazing.