Saturday, November 7, 2020

Just watching my cutie pie get beautified..


There was something real crazy about the times of AsianAvenue. We all knew SO MUCH ABOUT EVERYONE. Browsing people's pages, having our layouts that took us HOURS to make completely stolen, the guestbooks, the hits, who viewed our page.. but the music. The music was something else. AsianAvenue was pretty much how we found out about music. And, if we didn't right click to check that embed src, well then maybe you should work on your song game. If your crush danced with someone else at the sock hop, well we have a song to reflect THAT now don't we?! Unless you had the right click blocked, damn you're good, can you share that code?! I spent today composing this AsianAvenue playlist, I hope you find a song you like. I fully recommend listening to it on random. AlSo, HoW wAs iT sO eAsy to TyPe LykE tHiS bAck ThEn, WheRe DiD wE FiNd tHe TiMe?!
