Monday, January 4, 2010
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- Consistently making a mess of things, she's either "funny" or "weird". Botcho usually finds herself awake for too long despite her love of sleep. She's busy exploring the world with a taste for fashion, concerts, breaking rules, hair dying and pizza. She only calls herself a writer in an attempt for her blog to make sense. For all business inquiries, you can contact her mom.
Took a while with this one, and couldn't quite.. get there. Had a weird relationship with music in March, heard a few bops, a few albums...
I've been so emotional the past few weeks. Not ALL days have been bad, but I can definitely feel my brain leaning toward the sad. I find...
anthony bueno
fuck you
grippin grain
hip hop
life stuff
long weekend
married to the mob
music monday
music series
photo friday
random acts of kindness
throwback thursday
twerk team
warehouse party
Happy belated. Wish I got here sooner!!!
Hey botch.
Its been a few years.
I've been waiting to comment I think now is a good time.
There is a lot of things I've learned from this girl.
Here they go.
She hates bugs...kill them for her.
She's crazy when she's on her pms.....step back
She loves hip hop and will debate you on nething.
She expects you to offer the last beer and the last drag.
Don't test her, shell hit you. It will hurt.
Always help her mom or shell hit you.
Open the door for her.
Get her juice or pay for it later.
Give her a hug on christmas morning.
Listen to her
NEVER take herpillow.
Call her
And on her birthday say happy birthday every second so she doesn't forget how amazing she is.
I'm sorry for hurting you princess ...ur family too.
I think about u often.
Happy birthday.
HEY BABY... lol. Do I really say that? I guess I just did ahhaha
I am at work. And commenting again because I can. I hope the rest of your day yesterday was wonderfulllll :)
I laaaavvvvv you
- Bonibelle
HAPPY BIRTHDAY BOTCHO!!! Hope you had a great time at your suprise party! Love you lots and we'll party more on Friday.
And to you Amafel... I haven't seen you in years, and I hope to never do again. I've realized that the quote "Fool me once, shame on you. Fool me twice, shame on me" rings no truer than with you. You are the biggest fuck up I've ever known. Botcho, her family, and her friends (esp. me) will never forgive you. You are nothing to us and your words, spoken or written filled with your apologies for what you did will never change our minds. Think about THAT every "often" moment you think about her.
Happy Birthday !!
You know what they say
once a douche always a douchebag
Love ya botch ! And your getting your eyebrows done right now . Ahaha
lmao! I'm assuming comment #2 is an ex, who clearly has been following this blog. Love it! happy birthday "princess".
aww i feel bad now. sorry dawg. you got balls writing a message like that.
#1: thank you! belated's still make me happy!!
bonibelle: ay mami.. do i really say that?! yesterday was pretty bomb. MORE PLEASE.
maribeth: hahaha.
fuck you're a boss.
thanks for always havin my back ma, you know i gotchu always.
bianca: yeah without douchebags, we'd both be rich by now.
#3: im a princess!! balls aint shit when the person ain't shit. thanks for the birthday greets.
and lastly, anonymous #2, get ready cuz this is gonna be a doozy.
a few years, but not long enough.
comment?! thanks for the hit.
my boyfriend kills bugs for me now.
it wasn't pms, it was just you.
you knew nothing about hip hop, hense me debating.
it was my beer, and my smoke.
i only hit when deserved.
my mom hates you.
i've shut the door on you.
you haven't paid for shit.
christmas morning didn't exist til you was gone.
you never did.
don't touch any of my shit.
don't ever call me.
if you're expecting an "it's okay" to follow your "sorry", you're dreaming. it will never be okay. it will never be all good, and you will never be forgiven. my deepest nightmares couldn't conjure up the shit you pulled with me and i can never be more thankful i woke up. i don't know what you're expecting with me?! a phone call?! a truce?! fuck that. fuck you. you piece of shit i hope you rot in hell with the guilty conscience of how your life is absolute shit and mine is top fucking notch. i'm 22 and living large. & by living large, i mean life is fantastic, friends are fantastic, and my boyfriend is much larger than anything to be found in your pants.
SO A BIG FUCK YOU, if you wanna keep seeing my life that's cool. enjoy this shit. i'm fucking 22 and so much better.. WITHOUT YOU.
peace, good riddance, and a big punch to the gut from all my boys who hate you just as much as i do.
good luck with nothing son, i hope your up-coming birthday is as shitty as every day i spent with you.
xoxoxox - the best you ever had.
oh my god. this is good...tooo good.
i know i should stay out of y'alls business but I'm just saying comments section has never been so cuh-ray-zeh! especially with the free tracks nyahaha!
-anonymous #2
^^^ oops anonymous #3 ^^^
my bad.
hahah woulda been so weird if i left it #2.
-anonymous #3!
LMFAO Go Botchoooo
LMFAO Go Botchoooo
DAMN. that WAS a doozy. that reply back was truly inspirational. i dont even know you, but wow... high five. i (used to) know who amafel is actualy, and that guy is f'd up. serves him well for whatever he did to you.
anonymous #3: you is hilarious. i need to have an interview with something or some shit, cuz you is on some comical shit lol
applause: thaaankkks.
jan 7 @512pm: lol inspiring cursing ftw!!
OH Botch,
Your life is tooo crazy. But im still here trying to keep up ;)
Love ya always, Banet
P.S. Surprise party?! Wish i could be there, you know that!
you were right there with me.. i opened your present last night and nearly died. i was speechless..!!
& THE SURVEY SAID.. ya dead!!
OHH thank god!! I was just afraid you had it already! Awww and you speechless?!? glad you like it! - banet
im listening to it right nowww.. izz a curazayy
Hey botch, if you think thats the amafel guy your wrong. ive been stalking you for so long . so if your dreaming that comment is the amafel guy its me. you always ignore me and im fcking tired of it.
haha you know what? if that was you, that's you. it's hard for me to not ignore someone though, when they come off as anonymous. when you're ready to tell me your name, it'll be a little easier to give you some words.
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