Clearly I am in an indie rock mood.. Another favorite. Not my number one favorite indie rock band, but certainly on the list. THESE GUYS ARE PHENOMENAL. I base so many life quotes off these guys.. and if you love The Arctic Monkeys, I'm sure you've noticed.These guys have been around since 2002, and they're still producing bangers.. and okay, their latest is GREAT, but isn't as great as their older stuff. Gotta give these guys credit though. It's not every day that you see a band that can stand each other for 9 years. A true testimony to music mates!
I stumbled through these guys back in my imeem days. Remember imeem?! LOL. Anyway, it was love at first listen, and I haven't turned back. I listen to them at least once a week on my commute to work.. and I appreciate them every more with each listen.. but I'll let your ears figure it out.
Here's the first song I ever heard from them, and my favorite because of that circumstance, and because I also love The Beatles:
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