what a beautiful wedding says a bridesmaid to a waiter..

in case you didn't catch the craziness the first time!

hey where you goin?!

"to get married, wanna come?!"

when i walked down the aisle i kept thinking "don't pop a balloon, it'll be so embarrassing.. don't pop a balloon, please don't pop a balloon..". i didn't, but my moms did hahaha.

balloon poppahs!

it's so hot.

after they was done gettin married, we was so hot, so we ran into the ocean.. then we dropped their marriage coins in the water.. oops.. they was all gone in seconds.

no kissing.

ten seconds before a huge wave came in and she fell in.


don't worry, they didn't fall in.

paparazzi's just wouldn't leave.

like kings and queens baby

Kay's shoes are serious. Did she wear them on the beach too? Cause that would be straight ninja skills.
balloon poppahs your sis and mom may have been but they seem pretty happy regardless! LOL
that one of your brother is so Karate Kid!! Love it!
the pic of You and Alex better be framed.
did kaila's dress get ruined?
red hourse hey? tell me more...
i dont think she wore them on the beach.. actually she might have ! ack.. i cant remember..
brother was controlling the waves.. he gained this power through copious amounts of redhorse and a lot of sisig..
kaila's dress didnt get ruined.. just wet.. but it was pretty funny.
i plan to frame plenty of pics real soon.. i just need a job that pays me $1000 a night to sleep so i can afford more shit.
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