well technically, christmas is over.. but my christmas isn't cuz we still have upcoming gift exchanges.. whoooo!! christmas was.. different. & by different i mean, some of it i loved, some of i it.. not so much. so i plan to state nothing, and immediately follow this short with nothing but pictures.

he ain't heavy..

he's my brotherrrr..

my second brother!

&my newly adopted third brother!

man why can't life always be this easy!

sunset on a boat!

whoa hey there

a shit load of dim sum, $6.

we was dyinnnn..

7-11 selling alkie.. for $2 a bottle.


i was trying to get the guy behind him, cuz he was black. first black guy i saw in the philippines ahahah

came home to all my clothes clean and folded.. this is life.

then we went out for some brewskies.

cheap beer = love.

the boys bought porn :S

my mom bought purses.

the biggest grapefruit i have ever seen

my mom's friend from elementary happened to spot us on the street.

we was hot and sweaty

i'm scared.

i love you momma!

whitening cream in their "shoppers drug mart".. yep! every single product you see here, is a form of whitening cream/lotion/soap.. while i'm trying to get dark, the philippines is trying to be white.

balloons for oo!

balloons rule!

see what i mean?!

our favorites:)

my sister brought them canadian frisbees:).. they never heard of a frisbee before, and kept forgetting the name of it. it was cute.


a bug the size of my hand.. eweewwweewww

my last name is bueno.

we run new york.

my jelly fish sting after two weeks of healing.. not bad, no?
tomorrow i'll post the pictures from the pooool.
til then, i hope everyone had a fab christmas.
next up, new years.
LOL "while i'm trying to get dark, the philippines is trying to be white."
I never understood that!
P.S. Hope you enjoyed your holiday! Im surprised to even see posts up over the holidays. I admire your commitment botch! lol
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