we left dream wave to head to coco beach..

everyone was thrilled.

twas a bit cloudy.

but still beautiful.

an hour on this little boat, no problem!

hello coco beach!

ladies and gentlemen, i welcome you to paradise.

while people was handling our luggage, we took a mini pre-exploration.

this is the pool

the high class rooms are basically little hut houses.. but they was pimp, believes.. ours was at the VERY top, and by very top, i mean a lot of fucking steps.

totally worth it

fuck yeah.

the view from mine and my boyfriend's..

he did not waste no time

we went back down to check out the rest of the place.. quite the fucking work out.

then we found out it was HAPPY HOUR.. they make their drinks really strong, one glass had at least three shots.. no joke

we took our dranks and drunk asses to the beach.

no sleep, boat rides, too much alcohol and beach is not a good look for me.

tee hee, you were so waaaasted.

is that seat taken?

i know, my butt is white. i tried to tan it but the sun went dowwn.

after that we went to eat.

so hungry.

we sat right beside the pool.

no matter where we are, my boyfriend always orders burgers.

i got steak, and it was hands down one of the best steaks i have ever had.. so soft and juicy omg.

this band came and serenaded us while we were dining.

bitches can fucking sing, lemme tell you.

they did a bob marley cover!!

annd then they did an acoustic version of lady gaga's poker face.. it sounded angelic and majestic, i was in aw.

midnight pool dip. apparently they had a pool at the rooftop or something somewhere that was for "adults only".. high class dangiddy dangiddy ewewwweww

i'll stay here thanks.

hi boo

un-flattering pictures is always a winner.

and so is sleeping in heaven.
.. oh and yo, can i get a happy birthday janet in this mother fucker?!
I just saw this NOW!!! Lol Thanks botch!! I love ya!!
Ohhh maan...the pictures are soo beautiful!! It's like I'm there..
hahaha <3
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