i was kind of hating on mob before, but their new line = dope. cop na cop ! so friday was illen at my house.. twas wicked. saturday = lucid day!! one of the greatest kids in life right now. shout out to rich for letting us use the ride to get to the old people party.. which turned out to be crazy bumpin?! maribeth's parents know how to party!! i pretty much got to see all my best friends this weekend, minus janet, but she will be in from edmonton very shortly!! sick! beer, cheesecake, lobster, good music & friends. that's a weekend son. be jealous. on to another topic. you're a fucking phony. you're just a shitty version of me, cause i dress better, i'm way cooler, and my friends are actually my friends. not a pool of youngins who think that reppin will you will make them ill. you can just hop off my dick now shawty. stop ruining hip hop..!! oh oh.. GZA GZA!! <3 kanye's hair cut and weight loss looks hella gross. *yack.
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