MUSIC SERIESI can't exactly remember how I discovered M.I.A., but I remember the feeling being absolutely magical. She was everything I wanted from a female musician. She rapped well, she was a humanitarian, she dressed well, and she had swag to match. This girl is the definition of a boss lady, and I fucking love her for that. I was able to catch her live five years ago, and she tore the fucking roof off! This girl is phenomenal live. If you have a shot to see her, do.
Her music contains all the elements you're looking for, world, electronica, hip hop, pure awesome. What she feeds to the world through both fashion and music is that of no other. She's never afraid to test boundaries, and she does it well.
She was raised during a Sri Lankan war, and has the most hurtful and terrifying stories to tell. Yet she tells them honestly, and gives back to her people. I remember reading this article on her where times were so rough, she was literally hiding under dead bodies, trying to avoid soldiers that wanted to kill her. You make it through that, attend college, and develop a music career that is based on realism and originality, and fuck! You've got one of the dopest musicians to ever grace the fucking planet.
Rihanna and all these pop twats are just a bootleg carbon wannabe copy of one of the sickest female musicians on the scene right now. She rules. Take it from one of my favorite M.I.A. songs, ever..
Get 'em girl!
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