MUSIC SERIESIf my love for M83 hasn't been expressed enough.. I'll try now. I. Fucking. Love. M83. Like it's ridiculous. "Midnight City" is a song created for kings and queens. For Gods. For princesses! I have never heard this song whilst out.. that was until, they played it for me on my birthday. It was absolutely perfect. I was kind of half glad they didn't play it on New Years, because hearing it on my birthday made me appreciate it that much more. I know there's a zillion and one remixes out for it right meow.. but yo.. the original. Nobody's touching it.
They named themselves off a galaxy, and that's pretty much how you feel when you're listening to them. You just get lost in this some sort of hypnosis type state where everything feels like.. water. You just flow, and your whole body turns into some sort of orgasmic type lovah lovah yum yum yes. Now I don't know what that means exactly, but I know that I mean it.
Really though, if ever I'm in a shit ass mood, go ahead and play me some M83. I'll probably fall in love with you, instantly.
I know I've only spoke of "Midnight City".. but it's amaze. The video kicks ass too.
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