& the city is going fucking crazy. fucking crazy.. and so is botch.. i refused to go out this weekend. nah not for me kid, i'm saving a penny.. i'm gonna be doing nothing but getting my grind on this month.. and i'm also gonna be blogging a fucking shit load.. waddup world, let's get to a 25..

cause even though it's lame, nothing beats joggin by the water side.. checking out some redic stencils, and sitting with someone special on the bench watching the sunset. the fountains make the air smell fresh, and it's all good til the mosquitoes hit. pack your bug spray.

24. BDI
YOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!! hook it up right fucking now!! after a session, on a summer night where it's hot as fuck.. i mean we looking at like +35C, let's fucking hit up bdi son. bring your moms, your dogs, and your cousin too.. then you walk the bridge and look at the stars.. til the mosquitoes hit. pack your bug spray.

okay.. i'm so gonna get hated for this. don't get me wrong, i LOVE gondola.. but pizza heaven is just.. perfect. that crust is too awesome! i was going to throw pizza hotline on here, but i didn't. pizza hotline is a winnipeg must because it's the pizza you ALWAYS order when you're at your buddy's place having some brew.. but the best tasting pizza?! that's a little pizza heaven.. nom nom!

make outtt tiiiime. blaaazing time. dangiddy dangiddy time. toboggan time. green hill time!
if you're not from winnipeg, don't even ask bro. if you're from winnipeg, pack ur bug spray.

if you haven't had a birthday cake from jeanne's, YOU HAVENT LIVED! my family is super big on jeanne's.. and we got a jeanne's cake for absolutely anything we could.. "happy birthday!! get the jeanne's cake..!!" "aww congrats on your award, we'll get a jeanne's cake!!" "yo it's a sunny wednesday, JEANNE's!!".. gosh i miss those days.

best nachos in winnipeg. for reals.. tyc holds a pretty close grip though.. and yeah i said tyc.. shut up, tyc nachos are ill na na!
slurpee capital of the world, and it's one of the only things we got, so let us have it. we drink this shit when it's -50c outside.. we drink this shit in a blizzard. we put alcohol in our slurpees to pre-drink. we bring slurpees to the beach, to school, to work, to the library, in the car, on the bus, on our bikes. slurpees are our drink.. all day, every day, no matter what time, or the weather.. let's do a slurpee run.

okay.. so winnipeg has more than food, believe me hahaha.. BUT GOODIES. wow. the first time i had goodies, it was better than most of my ex-boyfriends. ouch. below the belt botch, below the belt.

16. VJ'S
winnipeg is big on burgers. they love their fat boys.. and if you're from winnipeg, you know what a fat boy is.. and vj's is DEFINITELY number one, next up is george's.. i've never been to mrs. mike's, but apparently, shit's bomb.. take me some day someone, take me!!

wow where do i even begin with johnny g's?! how many drunken nights have we had here?! raging in the basement to killer hip hop.. spazzin cuz we wanted to.. throwin tables and chairs and shit.. being the loudest ones in the buildin.. and the eats.. OH THE EATS.

one day i am going to walk this entire thing (without quitting half way through like every time).. AND THEN! i will sit on a bench, i will eat some grapes.. and i will read a book.. anad then i'll bike home.. whoot.. sounds dreamy doesn't it.

sunday ! sunday ! sunday! every sunday. the dopest shit you'll see. people rep their shit, and they rep it harrrddd.. and you basically get a parade of that every sunday. all the burger spots are packed, the main drag is packed, but the eye candy is pretty!.. but pack ur bug spray.

folklorama! celebrating diversity!! and good food!! performances. and pretty costumes..!! and education!! and beers from germany, brazil, austrailia, jamaica....uhhh can we go?! right now?! cool. thanks. it consists of 40 pavillions, housing the opportunity to travel to a different location. you get to experience almost any culture you could think of, in just one night.. then the next night, you travel across the world. it's a nice way to go on vacation on a budget haha
into the music gets an honorable mention.. however music trader has provided most of my classic shit.. i always spend at least 15 minutes just in "aw" when i'm in there. i'm there at least once a week. it's basically my second home. dear music trader, i love you, please don't ever.. ever leave.

GEEEELAATIII!! who doesnt love ice cream?! WHO DOESNT, love sittin on the block with gelati (til the mosquitoes hit)?! WHO DOESNT LOVE GELATI?! i swear, summer nights aren't complete without gelati.. they just aren't.

oh urban. i remember the first time i stepped into urban, i think i was like 14, and it smelled sooooo gooood. i will forever remember that smell.. and that staff. they didn't treat me like i was an idiot, or a youngin, it was wiCked. & to me, it'll always be "urban" not tub.. i love the bakery. it's always too chill in there, and if there's good hip hop playing, i almost just wanna lounge there and not even look at shit. urban has been my love, and my hate, but it will always hold a strong place in my heart, because honestly, some of my best clothing pieces have come from there. long live nice shit! check em out, cop a masses tee, cuz i didnt. haha sup j!

little italy is lined with nothing but patios.. i'd say tavern is number one.. because when that roof top is bumpin, lawwddd it is BUMPIN.. earl's is definitely up there too though, just because the hip hop is a good listen during a beer and a cigarette.

"yo what you doing ?!" "nothing guy, it's tuesday./" "wanna go to the beach?" "ya man."
every day.

i love you bar italia. the amount of times you've disappointed me in life has been very minimal! hahah. except when i got yelled at for doing absolutely NOTHING.. still my favorite lounge in winnipeg. ferrrsuuurrre..

or logan's corner in winnipeg world.. yeahhh fuckk you guys man. this post makes me seem fat.. but if you've ever been out past 3am, and you're drunk outta your face, you know the party's still bumpin.. and it's taking place at LOGANS SON! fucka east ocean. LOGANS!!!!

LONG LIVE GOOD MUSIC.. long live old market square.. and long live good music at old market square.. sign me up! plus jazz fest brought me keys n krates!! ack.. love ettt.

sickest skate park in the world. quote me on that. when you have a skate park that brings you eric koston and steve berra, you just know it's the shit. blaze at the skate park, and trip out on that good vibe feeling.. the fireworks are bomb, and so are the markets. nothing beats a lively day/night at the forks.. just make sure there's something happenin.. otherwise.. bring some bug spray.

okay so the exchange district is home to a few of my loves.. ragpickers, where we always have fun with vintage clothes.. and the parties above ragpickers are always off the chain.. republic, which i've grown to hate, then love, and hate, and then love again.. but hate. KINGS HEAD, my favorite pub in the city.. second is lo's! the LINE UP, where i would have lunch every day just because i like the patio and the atmosphere.. the fyxx, cuz nothing beats that vibe when you wanna read a book by yourself!! gotta love the exchange.

yeah. so what?! alive is number one. it could have been something meaningful.. or historic.. or it could be the best place in winnipeg. sorry yo. alive is the best place in winnipeg. staff is friendly, security makes you feel safe and comfortable. bartenders are polite as fuck.. people are rowdy but friendly.. the bathrooms are always clean.. and it has ALWAYS, been a good night. ALIVE I LOVE YOU, BE MY WIFEYY!!
okay guys.. one more 25 to go.. i'd like to say good looking out to maribeth who helped me compile this list.. it fucking took me forever.. if you know me, i just like to eat, and.. listen to hip hop, and party and read.. so my list is made up of that.. it's not everybody's winnipeg list, but it's MY winnipeg list.. while composing the list maribeth and i had quite the adventure.. fuck i miss you biiiatch. so as i don't want the pictures to go to waste, here are the pictures that were taken for this post that i didn't use.. so you know winnipeg is more than good eats and parties lol.. esco let's go.

maribeth took this pic.. its bomb isnt it

tryna reach cudi ;) heheh

i wish my friends took me to watch baseball games.. that's why i'm going out with alex;)

lol, grain is king people. grain is king.

some how, we ended up at a concert.. where we met up with friends and good music.

he juggled a chainsaw, he is crazy.

i started working on this post like two weeks ago. i started writing it at 9:30 pm, it is now 1:30 in the morning. congrats. it's finally done..
oh this makes me miss this place. here is the link:
I think I'm still missing pictures for the upload from that day... my computer said I was running low on memory so my uploading got all fucked up lol.
i love this city.
nice post botch, and you will buy a masses tee from the new line i promise you! haha but how you gonna leave dairy whip out for the best burger joints? how you gonnna include or even consider putting pizza hotline as a top pizza joint? and alive is number 1 which is understandable since it used to e called "Au" bar ;) but seriously you need to chill with me and i'll show you a different side of this city.
val: it misses you! thanks for the link.. i lol'd.. nas is king.
ma: yeah there were a few i was wondering about! i love you! thanks for the help!!
j: i havent been to dairy whip, sorrehh.. and i wasnt gonna put pizza hotline as a top pizza joint niggs, i was gonna put it up because you name one pegger over the age of four who doesnt know what pizza hotline is..!! it's ALIVE now, k thanks.. you and i have never "chilled" sober.. soo uhh.. we'll see how that goes hahahha
in my mind, it sounds like ooooo.....when im gone, feels like ooooooo.... when im zoned....
im feelin alright, im feelin alright.. :)
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