because i have a pointy chin, after the jump!!!loaft with your best friend, hang out with your sister, sing some mc hammer, annoy ben at the bakery.. try and tell me you don't wish you did.

HI BEN! sell me shit!

kiara how i love you:)

sorry but once you roll with botch it's my rules, CUDI ALL DAYYYYY!!!

DID YOU GET YOURS?! i gots mine. can it all be so simple?

mc hammer kareoke
thousands of half naked people, rainbows, loud music, sticky hot ass weather, sweat, mary jane, adam and eve, drag, sushi, and love for humanity, no matter what their lifestyle may be!

i love colors!


dopest family EVER. both moms were so fucking hot.

"i know, i was just like dude, i said no pickles."

"that happens to me EVERY time, you should try the mcdonalds on notre dame."

"fuck mcdonalds, i'm adam! i love apples!">


so many people, i couldn't move without rubbing onto someone else's sweaty body

so hot, keep sweatin


police officer keeping a dude in line !

"love can be a serious offence!"

passed by my ex-boyfriends spot.

new boyfriend, not as good looking, but he tastes better.

DOGGY STOP! i seriously found this so adorable! there were wading pools and water and food! it was so cute! i wish i brought my doggay :(

if i woulda went to my prom, this wouldve been my outfit

SITTING TIME! why do we look like we have mustaches ahahhaha

the queen happened to roll through.

fuck the orange outfit, i want that peacock shit!

i need it.

now that i've lost five pounds, let's get that shit back son!

gone, in seconds, guinness was gonna add me in the records but it was too fast for them to record.

da poor babeh got a boo boo

"i got a rainbow roll just cause you know."

so if you've been hanging out with me, for the past two weeks, every day, i've had ice cream. I CANT STOP! GREEN TEA ICE CREAM! SUPER KID ICE CREAM! ANY ICE CREAM! I WANT IT! GIVE IT TO ME! ALL DAY!

MINE to discover, ok thanks.
kid cudi! .. then de la soul, with nas, and tribe, and big daddy kane, and beer, and bbq, and life! oh it's too good!

you're so pretteh!

you too!

hello !

first time i tried a purple haze.. uhhh.. GROSS!

i'll just stick to my beer thankkks


what you sayin




$3. YOU BELIEVE THAT SHIT!? me either.

no kidding you get wasted so fast, lemme try!

this weather isn't balls friendly.

this episode.. on the hills..

DONE DIRTY! .. i need to pee now!
today i spent the day with maribeth in the district. we were supposed to meet up for coffee but that completely went overboard with us taking over the fucking city! although i cut my leg up, which is totally karma for making fun of maribeth and calling her a wuss when she got her leg scrape the other day. DAMMIT! im sorry world! i'll never learn! i'm an asshole! seeing stuff just makes me want stuff. i need money so i can get said stuff. i love stuff!
my mosquito count level has went from 5 to 17. DAMMIT! im itchy as fuck! i really need to start carrying that mosquito spray in my purse because this shit is ridiculous! speaking of ridiculous, yo. waddup weather! you are hot! i shower like five times a day, and i still feel sticky as fuck.
so today at the gym, i was sitting on a bench in the locker room in my gitch, i was reading waiting for a shower as they were all full:( so anyways.. this girl comes and sits beside me, and she is in like booty shorts.. and she sits down and her thigh is touching my thigh, so im like "ick weird" and move a little.. and then she moves a little, and is touching my thigh again! .. it was awkward. more awkward because our thigh sweat was rubbing against each other and i could feel her cold sweat but hot leg mix with mine and it wasn't the funnest time i've had.. uhhh.. yeah.
so as you can see from the pictures summer is un-officially outside the buildin!! & the summer life is in full effect! one time for ya mind.
"yo botch! how's alex?!" "i dunno, good i think!!" ahhaha facking gay! i miss you beetch!
i wanna live in the district! someone move my house there! k thanks! let's go get ice cream!
I'd hit it
cudi? me too.
good I think
who asked?
I miss you!
see you in vancity
thanks for hanging up on me!
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