150 billion % crazy about him.
a week full of hustlin, arrivals, goodbyes, scarborough, winnipeg, crying, pain, agony, sexy times, birthdays, best friends, movies, and beer. let's get the picture posts stuntin. here we go!
UPDATE ON LIFE: goodbye scarborough. goodbye nala. hello life. hello reality. hello hustle. my mind is sad, but my mind is right. i'm in a good place and i'm surrounded by good people. i wouldn't change shit right now. except for maybe, going back to toronto, cause i am feenin' for my second home like you wouldn't believe. til then, i'ma chill in my room with the lights down low, blazing tings with some ill hip hop playing in the background.. and if that doesn't get my mind even more lovely.. i just don't know what will! some new shoes perhaps? gimmie two weeks, and i'll be back up.. however in duration, i promise to get my blog on.. with the following:
UPCOMING RECAPS: maribeth & bianca's birthday, random sessions, bar italia, movado's. keep watching, bitches!
however, til then..

what cha thinkin there son?

can i.. just.. can i.. touch your bum?

sad team, over there!

ola brother and sister, part one!

part two!


nigga they's ballin.

act like ya dunn know!



but wait, we have to pee.

totem pole faces aren't always the greatest

mean muggin


i never knew a love, love, a love like this..

yup! thas my boyfriend!

k cool boy..

also, i wanna get some quick shout outs out the way. since i had to let nala go, it made me really appreciate what i have right now. & since what i have isn't money, it's people.. which is just as good. let's get this ball goin, shall we..
FAM: i can't say it enough. vimy, north end, and west end. we're scattered. but my sister, moms, pops, brother, chris, kaila, val, step dad, edy, nala, jack, kiara, and meeka are better than yours!
MARIBETH: i really missed you.. and i'm so happy school's out so we can finally catch up and hopefully hang out more. cheers to the future..!
BIANCA: bitch we been killin shit! you've done so much for me and i don't know where to start to thank you. so i'm just gonna say thank you x a trillion, i owe you way more than that, i just know it. i have fun with you almost every weekend, via phone, via doing nothing, via being out, whatever the case, i got chu b!
BONIBELLE: hello. you're lovely. mean girls forever. all hail the blackberry for making us speak every day.. youre hilarious, and beautiful, and i love hanging out with you. more fridays like that please?
TJ, MARTI: tj, because "wanna go watch a movie?" sounds the best coming out of your mouth. you're the greatest. marti, because you're so caring and the sexxiest stripper i know..!
REST OF THE BOYS: because it's beer and barbeque season babyyy! let's run it!
AND FINALLY, SCARBOROUGH: because you're the most un-expected thing to pop up in life, but i couldn't be any more happy. you're kinda like a pop-up window. usually everything is just shit, ads for viagra or something gay.. but sometimes, you get that ONE thing that you just gotta click. glad i clicked, can i lick your teeth?
i'll post a ton starting may, thas my word, goodnight bitches!
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