MUSIC SERIESAnother group from London..! I told you, London is where it's at. I need to have myself some babies in London and turn them into amazing music making humans. That's the plan. Can't fail with the London good music statistics! Meet the XX. They started out as a foursome but turned into a trio. Their latest and FIRST album is absolutely everything you could ever ask for.
Not only is the album everything and more, but they produced it themselves. If you haven't gave them a listen yet, you've probably heard them on TV.. they blew up, with one album.. and they deserve every penny. If not that, perhaps you've heard of the member, Jamie XX, who puts out fab remixes like nobody's business. They are currently working on their second album which will drop sometime in 2012.. I CAN'T FUCKING WAIT FOR IT! I listen to their first a lot. I also routinely imagine certain songs to be played at my wedding, and sometimes when I walk into a room, I imagine some to be my theme enter song. You can do so too, by taking a listen..
It was hard to pick favorites, because there isn't an XX song I don't like.. but enjoy these!
INTRO! This is the intro to their album.. If there is ANY, ANY intro that is better than this, I haven't heard it yet. *not interested BBM emoticon*
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