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Saturday, October 31, 2020



Covid-19 is fucking hard. I'm really thankful I've been spending the last few months focusing on music. It's really aiding my journey as I navigate through this craziness. Now that there are positive cases at work, my workload has been insane. We are short staff (because what healthcare facility isn't right now?!) and there isn't enough time in the day. I had SEVENTEEN sick calls the other day. I worked a 13hr shift and as I was leaving I said goodbye to staff that were there LONGER THAN ME. Some healthcare staff can't go home due to the risk of bringing the virus home and are sleeping at the hospital or hotels reserved for healthcare workers. Routines have changed and everyone is putting insane overtime to meet the demands that Miss Rona requires. With all of that, we're also trying not to get the virus. Being a link in the chain of transmission is and has been my greatest fear throughout all of this.. and it really makes me miss everything.
I miss friends, I miss routine love, I miss my mom and my family. I know what's important, and I want everyone who is in my world to stay safe and happy, and that is definitely hard sometimes. So what's the answer? Small improvements, self-care, and doing things that help. For me, music is a huge part of that healing. Meghan told me the other day, "I've never met anyone who felt the way you do about music". It's literally my first love, and these past months of curating playlists continue to solidify how important it is to me. Thank you so much for the positive feedback. Shit is really real right now, but we just gotta focus on doing the next fifteen minutes. That's it. Get through that, and then another fifteen. My inbox is always open for anyone that is feeling challenged and would like to vent or cry or even just chat. I hope you find a song in this one that you connect with.

All my love,

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