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Wednesday, April 18, 2012


and by hydro, I mean coffee and energy shots.. I'm freaking exhausted. I did so much today while living like a zombie.. and I haven't packed yet. I'm not so stoked on packing, ever.. really. BUT! At long last the day has arrived! I am officially off to see some of my top favorite musicians! SBTRKT! Justice! Frank Ocean! The Weeknd! Radiohead! Santigold! Childish Gambino! Noisia! SebastiAn! Azealia Banks! Awolnation! Dj Shadow! A$ap Rocky! Should I keep gong?! Sorry. NOT SORRY! Gotye! M83! St Vincent! Zed's Dead! I .. can't.. even.

I've completely taken my focus off it considering my emotional/damaged state.. but now that the day has finally come, I am excited. I am excited I get to go with music lovers, and excited to be re-united with my love, Perla.

I know I'm still about a month behind in replying to e-mails and what not.. and I promise I will fully step up my game once I get back.. but for now, it's party time. For my cousin in the sky, and for my music loving self.

Lize, Jheff, Randy, Perla, let's go. BEW BEW BOH BEW.

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