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Sunday, May 30, 2010


hey guys. hope everyone had a fan-fucking-tastic weekend. i didn't do shit! i blazed, i watched hockey, i drank beer, watched some chappelle, and i did it with the most amazing company!! it rained like a mother fucker.. rain always seem to make me wanna make out.. which is a total shame because my boyfriend and i aren't even in the same province right now. DAMMIT. lol. anyway, thanks for all the questions this week.. feel free to ask me anything always on the side bar! these questions go hard people, so thanks for keeping interest. you can find your answers after the jump:)
When was the last time you received flowers?
valentine's day 2010.

Who's the sexiest man alive?

Who was your first crush?
this guy named justin, it was kindergarten and i found him so dreamy. lol.. he was known as "justin b" because there was another justin in the class.. i also had another person in the class with the same name as me.. so i was like "we're the same, we fit!".. it lasted til grade 2.. we ended up sharing lockers and he was messy so i was over it. lol.

Who and when was your first kiss?
i won't say who, just because i think the person who was my first kiss doesn't know he was my first kiss.. but i was sixteen.. and it was.. interesting.

When you were a kid, what did you want to be when you grew up?
a teacher.

If you could be invited to one person's birthday party, whose would it be?

Would you rather swim in a pool or the ocean?
the ocean!!!!!!
but i love swimming pools almost equally.. i used to have a swimming pool at my house, it was my haven.. i would literally spend 8 hours in that bitch a day. i miss it terribly.

What are you most excited about right now?

If you could have an endless supply of any food, what would you get?
hmmmmmmm.. cupcakes? lol.

do you love your boyfriend?
i do.

Do you play Call of Duty?
jheff, are you asking me this because you want to play cod!? LOL./ get on that modern warfare tip.. and noooooooo, i play boys.

Top 3 non hip-hop quotes?
3. never let your audience see you sweat.
2. you're either the last one standing, or the last one to fall.
1. stay up.


  1. hahaha! how did you know?!?!
    Anonymous questions....psshh

  2. hahaha "girls shouldn't know what COD is" is what gave it away ;)


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