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Thursday, April 8, 2010


so aside from getting a really bad allergic reaction today.. :( might have to go to the hospital soonskies.. extra sad faces all around.. let's pray that things ease down! anyway.. today my good friend amber cut my hair.. we were basically best friends through out high school.. hung out every day, blazed, sat beside each other in english.. you know, that type of thing. not to say we're not good friends now, we just have conflicting schedules.. but today she gave me a really good hair cut! i'm no longer rapunzel! whoo hoo! so i decided to share with you, some throwbacks of botch and amber times. hope you enjoy!

wow i thought contrasting was so cool.. i also thought blonde hair was cool. ahahaa fuck me.

us at 18 and 19!!

i cleaned up @ parties.. while receiving lap dances.

no make up stoner days.. at chicken delight.

3 am, blazed out of our faces.. tried to get into the beach.. the gate was locked.. and our outfits were the "i just woke up.. you wanna go out!? you wanna blaze?! okay fine by me."

AGE SIXTEEN.. and life was too easy!

at the age of 18, we went to the only bar we could go to.. tyc. lol!

three years ago.. !!

thanks for doing my hair woman! me love you long time!


  1. hope ur doing ok botch!!

  2. you should of posted a pic of your new hair!!

    anyways, hope all is okay. i'm gonna call you later.

  3. thanks ! i is alright for nows.



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