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Thursday, June 25, 2009


dear tj, i hope toronto is a kick ass time.. i know it's a kick ass time, so what's up! cheers, from me.
dear james, you'se a bitch, jast kidding, i love you, and want a key chain.. don't forget:)
dear eliza, there is one word that sums up this whole week, and that's righteous, just righteous.
dear bianca, yo, ride or die, don't matter what day, or whatever, all day every day, ride or die. we go hard.
dear bonibelle, talking every day and i'm not sick of you yet, no lie. let's grab a hot dog, and ice cream.
dear richard, we rock bells, this is how we chill, from 09' til.. i got you forever, thanks for life.
dear marti, get your phone back before i punch you in the ovaries!

and to everyone else, thanks for reading my blog. it's wednesday night, 3 AM, and the beer in me is making me THANKFUL for everything in life right now.. this past week has been too crazy and pics and vids and all that good shit will be posted so stay tuned. i broke my camera tonight and it was good times ahahhaa BUT as promised, have a video.

fuck i look nasty as FUCK in this video! but fuck it, if you actually comprehend what went down in this vid, i commend you.

i'm also taking donations for the "support botcho's blog stickers" fund.. if you see me walking downtown, throw money at me. peace!


comments all day!