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Friday, February 20, 2009


i lost my dad when i was seven. people always say "you must not remember him huh?" wrong. i remember everything! his face. his voice. his smell. they say everything happens for a reason, and there were times where i doubted this. i only had seven years with my pops, that never seemed enough. but i understand it now. you gotta go when you gotta go. ALTHOUGH my dad might not be here for a lot, i have a great family who supports me, who stands by me, and they do everything in their power to act as my dad in whatever ways possible, without stealing his place. & they did a good job.
MY MOM IS A SOLDIER. she's the strongest person i know, i don't know how she maintained raising three kids by herself while losing the love of her life. she's given me everything i could ever ask for, and plus some, without spoiling me to shit. she taught me that everything comes from working hard and keeping your head straight. & i'll never be able to thank her enough for that. my brother & my sister have both been in my life as teachers, as friends, as family & they got it all from my mom and dad. & they are the greatest four people to ever step foot into my life. i didn't have two parents, i got four.
i might complain a lot, actually.. i complain a lot.. but having/had these people in my life makes me realize that in actuality i have absolutely nothing to complain about. they've made me laugh when i thought crying was my only option. they've bailed me out of sticky situations. they've picked me up when i was stranded. they've loved me, they dress dope, they're good looking, LOL WHAT?! THEY ARE! they're really the illest people i know. SO THIS DAY, this entry, is for them. i will dedicate my whole life to my family, cause they dedicated all of theirs to me. THANKS. i'm too lucky. i love you:)


  1. Yo this song... damn.

  2. That's so nice that you remember your dad so vividly. I have a friend who lost her dad around the same age and I've never talked to her about it (we only started talking recently but we've known of each other since we were kids) but I'm curious to know what she's going through. It's great to know that a loss of someone close doesn't mean it's the end of your own life :) It's only the beginning of more wonderful things to come!

  3. well thank you very much anonymous poster:)
    speaking as a person who has experienced such, talking about it helps wonders.. there are a lot of people who don't wanna bring it up.. but we need that kind of thing sometimes to help remember.

    thanks for the comment, it was fucking beautiful! lol


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