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Thursday, October 30, 2008


seriously, if you hate winnipeg, you're just sheltered, and think there's nothing more than polo and the forks. this city is fucking amazing! the artwork, the people, the architecture.. fuck yes bitches. fuck yes.
today consisted of the following : eyebrows did (FINALLY HELLO!), seeing people while i'm insanely grimey, consumed two mcdonalds meals, grocery shopping, and camera shopping.. this was a tough decision. i've been wanting a camera for like, fucking ages now. well.. whats up kids! i got one! the one my buddy gave me was on its final days and officially shut down about a month ago. so i've been using val's camera to fulfill my needs. no more no more. i have one all for myself. & I KNOW. i've been on that hustle tip, but honestly, aside from weekends lol, i havent really spoiled myself. i havent bought a pair of shoes in two months now. to me, that is big news. & this camera is going to be put to good use!!!!! SO STOP SHAKING UR FINGERS AT ME AND SHOVE THEM UP YOUR ASS. lodi dodi.
today someone said, "you shouldn't be mad at her, she idolizes you.".. uhh, she can idolize my cock.
"why are you always angry botcho!?" i really feel like i'm almost never angry, i'm just extremely mouthy.. and also juzz dunn givvvuhh fuuuck.
my ass hurts, and it's not from sitting here cuz i just got here..
okay i swear, after this weekend, i am back on the hustle$$$$$$$
gate night bitches! i've already seen like at least 10 eggs on the ground and it's only 3 lol

p.s. HI LEM. i love you!


  1. hi botch, i love you too.

  2. can you "friends only" entries?

  3. carol annnnn!!!!
    im not sure, you can make your journal friends only, but as far as entries go, i have no idea. im new as hell to this shit! lol


comments all day!