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Monday, July 29, 2013



I'm a almost a month behind in deadlines for my writing jobs.
I don't sleep much on weekdays and because of this, I sleep all day on the weekends.
I've had a slurpee almost every day for a week and some how lost five pounds.
I'm kind of messed up sometimes, and weird, always.
A lot of people hate me, and I'm still shining.
I don't know what I want or where I'm going and my room's a mess.
Dyed my hair purple.

Just keep swimming.


Saturday, July 27, 2013


Two reasons why Leonardo DiCaprio is my favorite actor of all time:

Reason number one

Reason number two

The Wolf of Wall Street Official Trailer

I accidentally saw this trailer when watching World War Z. Um. Why is Leo the man?! This is why. Best trailer of all time.

Thursday, July 18, 2013


CC gave us a new one this week, and isn't it refreshing? Take this summer soother and bump it to cool yourselves down. Yum yum. CCL$ are bringing the hip hop we miss so much to the table and every time I get a new sound from them, my day is a little bit better. You can get it for free/stream HERE.

Monday, July 15, 2013


There's a difference between taking your top off because you're hot (get it ladies!) and taking your top off to get sexual attention.

I am in support of the taking your top off because you're hot notion.

Wednesday, July 3, 2013


It's as if everything I've done prior doesn't matter.
I've completely faded from the most important thing to a stranger.

I am not given time to speak, or be heard, or recognized.
Words of praise quickly turned into words of hate.

So many people hoped for this and wanted this.

Immaturity before adult conversation, because my existence should not matter unless I abide to every rule in the life book and never have any thing close to a human mistake/break down/emotion.

Hold everyone else's mistakes in your hands, so that your level of superiority does not leave you.
Grasp tight to the fact that you are perfect, constructed robotically to ensure your entire self-less being is only slightly out-shined by your holistic presence. Hold on to all of that, for the sake of us no good-fuck up-useless-cold-hearted shit bags who have no remorse or regret for the almighty being that is you.

I couldn't find the gears to transform me into everything I was supposed to be, so let me continue down this downward spiral until my existence isn't plaguing yours.

Send all of your continued disgust down the road of no forgiveness. I'm trying to hitch a ride under the sign that says "Wrong turn, all the time". A place that *you've* never driven down, even though it's the only road home.

Tuesday, July 2, 2013