The rules are simple: You burn an audio CD with your favorite songs at complete random. Every genre that you happen to enjoy, nothing has to match the previous. Just your absolute favorite songs on one disc.
Your CD will have no track listing, the only person who knows what's on it will be YOU.
Then, we swap. I end up with a CD made by a someone, you end up with a CD made by a someone.. and we spread that music love that we all have while gaining some new sounds. It's a mixtape hub without the actual cassettes.
After some time passes, we will re-swap. Every few, you will get new music made by a mysterious someone. (BUT YOU ONLY HAD TO MAKE ONE CD, hawow! So easy!)
SOOOO. If you'd like to be a part of this, please comment on this post. If you don't, that's cool too! AAAAANNNDDD.. if you know someone who you feel would like to be a part of this, feel free tell them about it!
I will then message all of you with the CD deadline.
Keep, keep, keep bouncing.
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Thursday, January 31, 2013
Let's all take a moment and just celebrate Big L for a second. Good good. Put it on.
Thursday, January 24, 2013
Friday, January 18, 2013
Thursday, January 17, 2013
I'm not sure when the begging to hang out with Michael Cera came into play. I can say Nick and Norah definitely played a roar of interest though. Every few months I go on these Michael Cera binges and watch his movies, drunk history, and any interview I can get my hands on. This guy just kept his Toronto roots on deck. The most non-celebrity celebrity in existence. I don't mean that as an insult either. I admire how completely simple Cera has built himself to be, and how passionate he is about his work. The humour in him is so natural, that anyone who tells me I will not laugh my ass off over some milkshakes and grilled cheese sandwiches with this man, will be faced with the debate of their life.
ATTENTION MICHAEL CERA, we should hang out.
Um. Best.
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if we took the Fresh Prince theme song and translated it into different languages and then back to English?! Okay. Maybe none of us have! WELL. These guys did. The result? An epic video that reminds us that even the best of translation technology might leave us missing a few kew notes. Enjoy!
Have you ever wondered what it would be like if we took the Fresh Prince theme song and translated it into different languages and then back to English?! Okay. Maybe none of us have! WELL. These guys did. The result? An epic video that reminds us that even the best of translation technology might leave us missing a few kew notes. Enjoy!
Had this dream where I was walking past a line of at least 500 people. Every single person shook my hand. I was crying my eyes out. I didn't say much, just kept heading down the row of people to make sure I shook every single hand.
It seemed as if every person who played a role in my life, big or small, was in the line. Even my worst enemies. I finally came across this girl who I haven't spoken to in at least five years, and, still. I shook her hand, and thanked her for coming.
That point was when I realized it was a dream, for she had a different hairstyle.
Isn't it funny, the things that tell you you're in a dream?! It's never the purple elephant or the unicorns prancing around, it's always something silly like, "WAIT A SECOND, his name isn't BILL! I must be dreaming.".
It seemed as if every person who played a role in my life, big or small, was in the line. Even my worst enemies. I finally came across this girl who I haven't spoken to in at least five years, and, still. I shook her hand, and thanked her for coming.
That point was when I realized it was a dream, for she had a different hairstyle.
Isn't it funny, the things that tell you you're in a dream?! It's never the purple elephant or the unicorns prancing around, it's always something silly like, "WAIT A SECOND, his name isn't BILL! I must be dreaming.".
Saturday, January 12, 2013
I won't always be sure of what's "good" for me.
So.. the endless cycle of trying to figure it out continues.
So.. the endless cycle of trying to figure it out continues.