i actually got this idea from alex.. he wanted me to do one or two pictures from every age.. but that was way too fucking hard and time consuming lol.. so instead, you get a random version! excuse the lack of quality, my scanner was having a mental break down so i had to take pictures of pictures.. with my busted ass camera. i might do a part two to this entry too cuz it was fun as fuck. what's up!? can i get a mother fucking 25 please?! oh and yo, no comments on my last entry?! YOU FUCKING ASSHOLES!
1. january fourth, 1988. the illest day in life. three months pre-mature. two in the hospital, and doctors tellin my parents they had to plan a funeral. no not i.. only the strong survive. ahhahahaha
2. i perfected sleeping at a very young age.
3. so i obviously just finished crying. my mom says she was trying to take a picture of me but i just kept crying.. she said "stop crying" four times, but on the fourth time she said it in a really funny voice, and i just started laughing like crazy, even with tears all over my cheeks. they dressed me in dresses constantly cuz i straight looked like a bizzoy.
4. WHAT CHU TALKIN 'BOUT WILLIS!? forreals, i was dying when i found this pic. holla at this pic one time, cuz dude in it is the greatest in life. he's superman, in case you didn't know.
5. my cousin jamie was always helping me out, that was until we reached like the age of 9 and we faught like every day. still cool though. michelle tanner hairstyle was doing it big.
6. so i loved christmas since TIME. christmas for life! christmas every day! I LOVE CHRISTMAS!
7. stunnahs ! & a beater that is kinda.. a little.. too big.. fuck you. i'm still fresh.
8. as soon as we got our pool built i would swim for DAAAYYYYSSS! gettin a tan was like gettin the mail.. it was that easy. &can i say if i had that bathing suit in my size today, i'd totally rock it to the club or somethin wild.
9. i'd rock this sweater too. WHAT CHU KNOW ABOUT TEDDY BEARS SON! you aint know nothin.
10. my brother and i didn't get along much when we were kids.. so this picture is pretty priceless.
11. always up to no good botch. this is me totally planning to do some candy stealing from tina. ya dunn know.
12. i attended every party at casa bueno, every weekend, cuz our family was always working. they'd dress us up in those socks that made your feet itch and sprayed your hair with hair spray til it was hard as fuck.. but free food, free drinks and leche flan?! family business had its perks. the partying started early.
13. i remember this day VIVIDLY. my mom took a thousand pictures of me and posed me for like hours.. and she kept yelling at me like, "NOT LIKE THAT! PUT UR HANDS LIKE THIS!" it was sooo boringgg.. but it was my first official photo shoot ;) check that hair yo hahaha.. and a denim dress over a t-shirt, really mom? really?
14. lollipops done been and will always be, my shit. here lies proof. my mom made that cake, it was reeces pieces.. it was soooooo gooooodd.. i think this was my fifth birthday.. definitely no later than sixth.. wtf are you doing tina?! BACK UP OFF MY SHIT SON!
15. this pic makes me sick to my stomach. lol. i was dark and skinny. beaching and pool side every day made u dark.. swimming made you skinny.. and thus you were given, a dark ass twig.
16. VIVA LA MEXICO! it was my first time on an airplane, and my first real trip. ohhh the good days.
17. lol. shoot me now.
18. we were 17, everyone was working four hour shifts, we had no money in the bank, house parties were daily.. and everything was as it should be.. fun./
19. there was a time in life, when i was skinny.. then i took weight gainers.. wtf was i thinking
21. ohhh laawwwddd.. this was our first trip without any parents.. our first trip by ourselves.. we were still under-age and we were in toronto.. i still can't believe our parents let us go.
22. life was grand. i was just finding out the depth of my awesomeness.
23. 18 in this one. soo custy.
24. ........ big turning point in life ahaahaah
25. .. whats up! i've grown a lot.. sometimes i wish i could go back and re-live certain moments.. but i take those in stride. i've learned, i've loved, i've lost.. and whether good or bad, each experience is held tight in my palms, and i'll never let go of shit. my life is too awesome. my name's botch and i'm still learning. still living. still bloggin. one time for ya fuckin' mind.
and i like to eat.. and i like music.. and i like sneakers.. and i like fun.. and this is my blog. MY blog. MY 25's. alllllll MINE. can i get a "fuck" for your opinion!!? this past week has been kinda rough for me, and i've been hiding it.. nothing was really "wrong" per say, i just wasn't feelin it. everything was blah. i still kinda feel such and decided to blog about it. how do you describe 'blah' though?! everything was just coming at me a little fast, and i didn't really know what i wanted, and when i tried writing about it, i'd get severe cases of writer's block..
believe that shit, i write outside my blog! anyway, after a shit load of deadlines, endless hours of trying to make them, too many redbulls, packs of cigarettes, and catchin some friends on the side lines, i feel like today, i can breathe. WHAT DOES IT ALL MEAN BOTCH?! it means let's move on to the good shit. yesterday bianca asks me if i wanna go to whiskey dix.. well not really but okay. hahah.. i have never been to whiskey dix, but i was down to see what all the "tuesday @ whiskey dix!" hype was all about. so we get there, and holy.. SOUTH END STAND UP!! i have never in my life seen so many south end people outside of south end. they were all talking their transcona talk, and one girl was all "this girl just blew smoke right into my face." UHM.. you're behind me son.. i don't control wind, and we're outside.. g'head, SAY SOMETHING! so we're in this REDICULOUS line.. for ten minutes.. twenty minutes.. thirty minutes.. forty minutes.. VIP wasn't up to par, and whiskey dix didn't even look that bumpin.. as we're in line, security is going around saying "back door, $25 a head". yo, people who really wanna club, and pay security to get in, i can understand that. they're down. but when SECURITY comes around ASKING for money, that kinda pisses me off, for the following reasons.. one, you obviously know this line isn't going anywhere, so you're using it to your advantage. two, you're abusing your power, you think nazis were all really killers?! nah, they just let power get to their heads. three, you're pocketing that shit, when that's not your job. your job is to make sure i am in a safe environment where i feel comfortable. I DID NOT FEEL LIKE THAT, and i wasn't even in the building. how am i supposed to trust my well being in the hands of someone just looking to make $400 in 10 minutes. over-exaggerating or not, that is some bull shit. so after 40 minutes in line we left that piece. the line did not move once, except for people who had been there longer decided to up and leave the line too. so we ended up at blush (thanks for the hot spot tip au). apparently winnipeg loves girlicious.. when we got there it was just fucking WACK. i don't think i've ever had a good experience at blush, aside from method man and redman, but that shouldn't even really count. HOWEVER, things did not go horribly wrong. the music was OKAY and conversations were chill. it ended up being pretty awesome.. in a weird way. shout out to OLY! yo. you're on my blog! stop being an anonymous viewer!
with all that said. it's time to get my priorities and mind straight.. or i could just give you another 25! lol
yup. that's right. 25 questions about my mobile.. and if you don't like it, feed me ideas, cause i'm straight taking these from you bastards.. well i actually stole this one from myspace lol.. but i just gave a pretty decent entry about my night so i think it's a fair trade.. no? alright. i'll try to do a better 25 later.
What is the make and model of your phone? the phone everybody loves to hate! the blackberry storm. i still love you berry, you piece of shit:)
What is your main call ringtone? nas - represent
How many people are in your address book? uhm.. it doesn't say hahaha and there's no way i'm about to count them
How many start with the letter M? 4, marti, mom, maribeth and moe!
How many start with the letter Z? awww none for z! i need new friends.
How many start with the letter A? 5, adrian, aggie, alex, amber, annie.
Do you have them sorted by speed dial number or alphabetically? alphabetically son! everything in my life is aphabetical.
Do you actually call everyone in your address book? fuck no.
What does your oldest text say? "i have to be at the airport at 9:30". *yawn. hahah
What does your most recent text say? "fuck imn drunk, had a good night though! love ya botch :) ! night"
What does your 10th text say? "i like him. not love him." oooohhh.. juicy. bet you wish you knew what that was.
What does your text in the outbox say? "right back at cha.."
Who is it to? your mom
What does your 4th text say? "what's the song on your blog? switching lanes one? it's not bad..." HAHA. hi ryan!
Would you rather call someone or text them? call.. fucka text messagggeee.
How many calls have you missed in the last 3 days? like fifty billion or so
Do you always call people back when you miss a call? nope! if it's urgent they'll call me back. i have a blog to maintain people! hahaaha im joking, relax.
Who was the 4th call down from on your "Received Calls" list? LEM! ya shit.
Who was the 2nd call down to on your "Dialed" list? homeskies!
Who is listed the most on your "Dialed" list? eliza, with a grand total of 63. hahaha
Who is listed the least on your "Dialed" list? james olais, 4. hahahaha. WEAK.
Who is listed most on your missed call list? eliza too. what?! how does that even work?!
Who is listed least? maribeth. tee hee, i rarely miss her calls:)
Who is listed most on your "Received" list? lol. home. they trippin.
Who is listed least? work. HAHAHAHAHAHA
i'm also now going to get some pictures out the way while i have a minute.. i haven't been posting pictures for a minute cause my camera is dunzooooossss.. yo, camera people, hook it up! esco, let's go.
hi, welcome back to winnipeg:)
never pay attention to the haters and what they assume.
boys on the floor
his name is chief..!
his name is nick!
i didn't even notice ur wu-tang sweater til nowwww..
the night ended with ONE egg roll. hahaha.
wow.. this entry has a lot going on ahahha.. fuck you if that sucked. payce.
what's up. my name is botch, i will be your blogger this evening. on the menu today we have 25 specials. as suggested by previous customers, i highly recommend them. please proceed to turn the page for your fucking viewing pleasure.
1. FAVORITE FOOD hmm. this is a toughy. i'm fat and love all food. FEED ME SON, FEED ME.. but i think i might have to go with pizza and sandwiches.. although i love a mean pasta.. this goes for meals though.. my mom's cooking is also bomb. she can make anything i tell her to make, and i'm always stunned like, "REALLY!? you made me sushi?! REALLY?! baklava?! sesame balls?! souvlaki?!" i can travel the world in my mom's kitchen and bitches it is wiiiicked!
2. FAVORITE PIZZA PLACE little pizza heaven is the SHIT! i love domino's too, but only if it's thin crust. thick crust is too greasy for me. yuck. although i love the cheese on pizza hut pizza, aka ninja turtles pizza. however, $40 for one pizza, not my steez. little pizza heaven is affordable, it's fucking good, and it's open after the club. fuck yeah!
3. FAVORITE DESSERT i'm totally not a fan of sweets, but i love desserts. i'm not big on cheesecake anymore.. i went like a week straight of cheesecake every day, and now it's kind of blah to me. i'm a big fan of hazelnut.. or ANYTHING from goodies bakery. i want goodies to cater my wedding.. and my birthday.. and my christmas.. and every saturday where i'll make up a fake holiday in order to have goodies.
4. FAVORITE MOVIE oh man. this is such a brutal one for me. although there are a billion movies i haven't seen, i also have a billion favorites. carlito's way, casino, eternal sunshine of the spotless mind, the science of sleep, grease (YEAH SO!), belly, memento, BUT.. i'd say my FAVORITE would be a toss up between city of god and requiem for a dream.
5. FAVORITE BRAND OF CALCULATORS i don't know who told me to do this one, as their comment was anonymous, but i had to throw it in. do people really have a favorite brand?! do people use calculators outside of school?! i really don't.. although my texas syntifik (ooohh wordplay there son!) calculator gets the job done.. and it was always good times typing out 8008135 and holding it up to a classmate during a silent moment in class .. lol still hilarious.
6. FAVORITE COMMERICIALS i love commercials.. i have three.
7. FAVORITE CLOTHING BRAND i'll have me some hellz bellz, 10.deep, stussy and MOB please. oh and american apparel, half my shit is from american apparel.. how i love thee.
8. FAVORITE SHOE BRAND dear nike, please hit me with a nike truck and then pay me off with free shoes for the rest of my life. one love.
9. FAVORITE STYLE oh janet. this one's hard to answer. i think my style varies every day. sometimes i'm feeling REALLY courageous, and i cut something up and throw something crazy together. it comes out really ugly, or really awesome, and sometimes i'm not sure which so i just go with it. i love baggy shit and things that fall off your skin, and i absolutely LOVE tacky shit. i adore wearing things that aren't my size, simply for the fact that it becomes a completely different piece of clothing.
10. FAVORITE TATTOOS well i don't have any.. so i guess this doesn't refer to me lol.. on guys i love neck tattoos. oh lawwddddd.. shit is so facking hot.. and small tiny hand tattoos. i love hands, i think they're beautiful and i really get excited when i see tiny art on them. tattoos are hot period.. as long as they're not like praying hands, tribal tats, or butterflies. holy am i sick of you bastards. i saw this girl on the beach who had a peacock feather down her ribcage all the way down to the tip of her mid thigh. shit was the sexxiest thing i've seen in life.
11. FAVORITE PIERCINGS lip piercings. all day every day.. can i just say how much i hate the ball on it though?! ew./ nah kid! a simple fish hook, none of this ball shit! *shudder.
12. FAVORITE PLACE TO MAKE OUT oh janet. hahaha. WELL, i'd have to say either in a car, or against a car. just cause those some how are always more intense than anywhere else.. but i really wanna make out behind a waterfall.. against some (flat) ROCK! hahaha. deadly but hot shit. i wanna make out in the rain too.. but by spur of the moment, not cause i'm like "wow i've always wanted to do this."
13. FAVORITE "SNOG" okay i have two. i had a date with dude and we had a fairly decent time, and i was having a cigarette in the parking lot and in between in inhale, he pushed me up against his car and kissed me, then exhaled my cigarette.. it was dope.. we uhh.. didn't work out ahahaaha my second was when this guy picked me up, and he was holding me by my bum and pushed me against the wall.. and maybe this is getting a little too much for the blogging world..pause.
14. FAVORITE NON-ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE JUICE! i love juice! i don't drink carbonated drinks, i love juice too much.. but like weird shit.. like aloe, pomegranate, wheat grass, black sesame.. oh lawdd.. i'm highly aware of my strangeness, but i just like tasting things that are out of the norm, they all taste so great to me.
18. FAVORITE MUSICIAN NAS. NAS NAS NAS NAS NAS NAS NAS NAS NAS... and recently kid cudi. hahaha they're both ranking it up on my list.. but nas will always be number one. thats word.
19. FAVORITE BOARD GAME BUDDY! i will kick your ass in scrabble. that's my word (get it? word?).. i love "scene it" too.. although i'm not that good at it. OH AND CRANIUM! cranium is so fucking great..!!
21. FAVORITE SPORT i guess this would be basketball.. both playing and watching.. if i was good at hockey, it might just be hockey.. but sadly, no.. it remains basketball lol
22. FAVORITE PLACE TO HAVE A DATE a beer, a walk, a compliment and a little something to take home scream perfect to me. my exboyfriend once gave me his nba band, it wasn't big, he didn't buy it for me or nothing.. but after a walk home, and a tiny gift, i felt like the luckiest girl in the world! then he cheated on me, three cheers! hahahhaha
23. FAVORITE HALLOWEEN COSTUME bat girl and raggedy ann./ nigga i was piiimpppppiiinnn
24. FAVORITE STORE TO SHOP AT i know i listed my favorite brands up there, but i really love thrift stores.. and boutiques.. oh and like winners and shit./ good quality shit can always be found cheap, you just gotta look, and looking some times is half the fun compared to the actual purchase.
i've been to a fair share of shows, a fair share of concerts, i've bought a handful of cds, gotten a handful of autographs, met a handful of people, been in a few vip lounges and it has definitely made life kinda ill. can i get the next 25 ?! one time for your fucking mind..
i hope you're ready for pictures of re-living.. esco let's go. they're basically all from rock the bells cause they surely out other people i've seen.. like shawn desman hahahaha.
i can understand why people like dude. like really, i can. personally, i'm just not that into him. i think his rapping style is a little blah. he's hip hop, sure. am i glad i got to see him live?! oh fuck yeah. would i buy his cd?! nah. burn that shit lol
24. KIDZ IN THE HALL i didn't take any pictures of them cuz my camera was dying.. i like their music, really.. they're cool kids junior! they rocked the fucking stage, but i felt bad cause the crowd wasn't really giving them love. respects though. they did their thing.
"MIDDLE FINGERS IN THE AIR, CAN I GET A FUCK YOU?!" yo fuck you! blueprint is SICK, and his shows are retarded. he's a crowd lover, and whether you're in it or not, he'll act like he's in a stadium and the whole crowd is going off. he's ill, see him if you can.
22. DJ DOPEY i couldn't find my dj dopey pictures anywhere.. but he was amaaazing. dude has talent. i got to see him twice in one weekend (2003/2004) and my chucks have never been rocked harder. his scratching was on point. i think maribeth and i were the youngest ones there. back in the day there used to be this site called hip hop winnipeg, and it put everybody on. i followed it religiously. it was like nike talk but for music and it was always good. we were 15 and the hip hop scene was so live.. call me crazy but hip hop lived in winnipeg back in the day. we were at a show every weekend, and we were lucky enough to catch dopey in the fourth row. we were sitting next to the hip hop radio djs and in front of a bboy crew.. and when dopey took off the record and put the needle down to make a sound that will forever be repeated in my dreams, you shoulda heard our section go off! not to mention the power source kept getting too hot, and it would burn out, so dopey would switch from two sets of turntables only to have them die, run to the other side of the stage and keep dj'ing on two others. yo. hip hop under pressure, that is some love.
21. KANYE WEST i seen him twice, the first with maribeth, and the second time with richard, kalliane, teej and maribeth again. the first time he was kinda wack. he never addressed us and made me feel like he grabbed his paycheque and was out. not even an outro, the lights went off and he was gone.. and we were left hanging for a second like, is it done?! but the second time.. HOLY FUCK! he puts a lot of money into his shows, and i can appreciate that. he has a lot of energy, and is extremely good live, his talent is un-doubtable, if anything, i just wish he wasn't a cocky fuck. you can really feel that trait at his shows.
20. HEDLEY i don't care what ANYONE says.. i love hedley. even if their music is meant for 12 year old little girls, they're fucking awesome.. and they took the time to meet their fans after. they did "trip" last, and this concert was right after i broke up with philly so i was balling my eyes out haha. i ended up going to this with maribeth, and the people beside us were just sitting down being bunk. WHO SITS AT CONCERTS?! can somebody send that memo..
smoosh was a redic. this band consists of two sisters, but they have another sister who is AADORABLE, and who is slowly learning the bass, and when i saw them the three of them played together. i can't wait til they go big, cuz believe me, they'll get there.
short lived. he did all his classics FIRST and his new shit LAST. which i don't get./ it should be the opposite.. you got 1/9 of the wu-tang clan, and you felt like that. it was still a good show, but you wanted more.. and is it just me or did this show feel like it was five minutes long?! i needed more. maybe i'm just saying this cause i'm biased now. hahaha.
so i love ian kehoe. that is life.. and attack in black is amazing live. absolutely AAAMAAAZINGGGGGGGG.. they all truly hold their music close, and their guitar riffs and voices make your body melt over with a good feeling of how music is supposed to be. i need to see them again, NEED TO.
stage side, check. meeting tokyo police club, check. i took tina to this one, for her first concert ever.. no one was moshing, the crowd was kinda wack, so we got everything started. it was phenomenal. definitely one of my greatest memories ever.. and downtown loafting in the night was facking wicked!
he plays wicked hip hop. that's it.
14. JUSTIN TIMBERLAKE oh justin. bianca took me to this one, and i brought philly. justin timberlake is possibly one of the greatest performers in life. EVERYTHING is MORE than you expected. i'd pay up to $200 to see him, cause he is worth it. he's humble, and his talent reaches through the roof. he tackles every instrument, and dances and sings to your heart! if i wrote you a symphony.. haha. the ONLY reason that justin timberlake isn't number one is because i don't love him like i love the artists ahead of him.. because if this was based on performance, he'd definitely be WAY higher.
I LOVE SHINY TOY GUNS. i have seen them twice now, and will continue to see them as much as possible through out life!
12. LUPE FIASCO so every concert i have ever been to, has never started on time. except for lupe.. so you can imagine, richard's first concert, his jaw dropping when we hear "GO GO GADGET FLOW.." and we're running down the mts centre, out of excitement and surprise that he's actually on before we reach our seats. lupe did his thing. he KILLED IT, his live show made me appreciate him way more as an artist and i need to see him again too.
11. N.E.R.D. they rock their shows to shit! FUCKING CRAZY. they're fucking crazy! if you're fat, watch n.e.r.d. every day and i guarantee you will be fit within two weeks.. cause they made me lose like five pounds, no doubt about it.. everybody went off, and anyone who saw n.e.r.d. was talking about the show for a good five years.
10. MURS
for fucking hip hop's sake. murs is a genius.. he gets on stage, and he raps. that's it. you bob your head and appreciate good music. it's like being at a house party a little early but the music is bangin, you're havin a chill of a good time, and that's what his music is so no complainin. murs is real.
9. M.I.A.
we weren't allowed to bring cameras to this show, so i stuck tina's camera underneath my shirt.. which worked.. surprisingly cause i had this big box shape on my belly.. which wasn't even worth it, cause we took like pictures of us, then her camera died. HAHA.. that last picture is of m.i.a. and everyone dancing on stage with her. i know, it's hard to tell. but i was lucky enough to see m.i.a. before she was on the radio and everyone wasn't on her dick, for $20. not many people can say that. what's up! i'm lucky.
the first concert i ever went to, i was 15.. and when i met slug, the first thing to pop out of my mouth was, "you smell good". it was humiliating but hilarious at the same time. after this i went on a huge atmosphere binge, and atmosphere didn't come out of my cd player for about a year. all my asianavenue songs were always atmosphere.. his passion for music makes me wanna become a rapper.. right now. hahah
same performance level as n.e.r.d. THEY ROCK OUT FUCKING HARD! cool kids all day every day!
i got to see them twice and both times they were rowdy as fuck! in a good way. i feel like this is how every concert should be.
i got to see a tribe called quest live. nuff said.
so slim kid came up to us, rapped to us, and as i was filming him, he took my camera from me and filmed us.. it was nothing really.
it was hard as fuck to place these guys as number three.. CAUSE HOLY SHIT! do they put on a show! i have NEVER in my life rocked out as hard as i did for keys n krates. i promise you, if you want something to love, let it be keys n krates.. cause they put on one of the best shows i have ever seen/heard in my entire life. i just shivered. that's how wicked they are.
2. NAS
my hero, and surprisingly! he's not first. cause i'm not biased:) haha. he's honestly the greatest rapper in life, and when i saw him, no doubt he was redic, however, there were points where he kind of fucked up his own lyrics.. plus he was getting a little chunky and had to catch his breath at times. this performance still meant everything to me, and when he did one mic i cried like a pansy. he's the greatest emcee of all time. fuck you, what you say, what your mom says, what your favorite rapper says, nas is the greatest emcee of all time, and is your favorite rapper's favorite rapper. & i saw him live.
THEY TORE SHIT UP. stakes is high is a memory i will embrace for life. their sound fucked up but during so, they stopped everything and talked to the crowd til it got fixed again, which meant a lot to me. they have an AMAZING show, like they literally blow your mind, and i vouche to see them as many times in my life as possible.. DE LA ALL DAY! FOREVER!
that just took me three hours..! what's up blog tip, i'm back and i will continue to make a stronger effort to keep up with this shit. that's my word.. now feed me comments to keep that mind state going ;)